
Attending the ​2024 Writing Workshop of Austin​

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This past Friday, I attended the ​2024 Writing Workshop of Austin​, organized by Chuck Sambuchino (twitter/x ​here​).

A local group called ​Novels in Progress​ (a local Austin, TX writer’s group) volunteered to run some of the administrative check-in logistics, and I really enjoyed meeting a few of them.

Why did I attend Writer’s Workshop (Austin, TX)?

My intention was to authors, dip a toe or two into networking for ​BookStud.io​ and to pitch a book I plan to release later this year.

Join my email list to get an early sneak peek of that book (🤫 shhh it’s private)

The book will provide an SEO update to the world, and reach directly to the community of niche site owners and bloggers who experienced massive search engine traffic declines since last August and September (2023).

It will also have some humor to help those of us in dire anxiety to laugh off the skin we’ll all have to shed to survive this next wave of human evolution.

Workshop Highlights for me:

The speakers (especially Chuck Sambuchino and Madeline Smoot) blew me away, and the panel of editors and agents were top notch.

Chuck, who used to work for Reader’s Digest, extemporaneously spitballed fictitious book pitches 5+ times during his lectures, and every one of them sounded like apples of gold on settings of silver… truthfully they were better than most of the crowd presentations (who had prepared, rehearsed, and practiced their own pitches for hours).

As you can tell, Chuck really impressed me. His humor, quick wit, and depth of insight from decades of work in the publishing industry sparkled on stage.

After the conference, I looked him up. ​This particular piece on your subconscious​ echoes many of my own personal thoughts, and I am passing it along to any writers in the group who aspire to entertain the idea of merging their conscious pen-to-paper process with their imaginations that bubble from under the surface.

🤝 It was also uplifting to meet other ambitious writers, young and old, who are interested in learning how to get their books published.

Bringing (and Supporting) Friend Authors

There are a few young budding authors in Austin, TX that I have had the privilege of meeting outside of the conference, and one of them decided to jump into the conference halfway through the day.

After one or two lectures, I was texting him that he was missing out, and that nudged him just enough.

During the conference, I sat next to (and spent the most time talking to) two authors:

Sundar Nathan: Weaving Indian Myth into Modern Fantasy

I had the pleasure of meeting Sundar Nathan, author of the captivating “The Naraka Cycle” This thrilling novel delves into Indian mythology, reimagining the classic Ramayana epic through a young adult lens. Ravan, a complex and conflicted crown prince, faces trials, forges unexpected alliances, and confronts shocking family secrets. Sundar, an engineer and tech marketer by day, brings a unique blend of technical precision and mythological passion to his writing. He masterfully blends traditional Hindu philosophy with high fantasy adventure, making this a compelling read for both young adults and fans of world mythology.

Cynthia E. Davis: Uplifting Words and Personal Devotion

Cynthia E. Davis, author of “The Spoken Word,” touched my heart with her collection of personal devotions. Her words aim to uplift spirits and bring readers closer to God. Cynthia, a wife, mom, veteran, and entrepreneur, infuses her writing with her own life experiences. If you’re seeking inspiration and a deeper connection with your faith, her book offers a powerful path.

Some noteworthy names present:

Literary agent Monica Rodriguez 👇 (​Context Literary​)

Literary agent Mark Falkin👇 (​Falkin Literary​)

Editor Carina Licon👇 (​Macmillan Children’s​, ​Henry Holt Books​)

Literary agent Trinica Sampson-Vera👇 (​New Leaf Literary​)

Literary agent Teffanie Thompson👇 (​Falkin Literary​)

Editor Christina Lopez (​St. Martin’s Press​)

Other Media from the Conference (Quick glimpse video)

I couldn’t record as much video as I wanted to, because I was enthralled and paying too much attention. It was worth it, but hopefully ​this sneak peek​ gives you a small taste.



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Attending the ​2024 Writing Workshop of Austin​

Book Publishing

This past Friday, I attended the ​2024 Writing Workshop of Austin​, organized by Chuck Sambuchino (twitter/x ​here​). A local group called ​Novels in Progress​ (a local Austin, TX writer’s group) volunteered to run some of the administrative check-in logistics, and I really enjoyed meeting a few of them. Why did I attend Writer’s Workshop (Austin, ... Read more